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Wastewater Treatment Works Training
Wastewater Treatment – Assessment & Evaluation
Introduction To Wastewater Treatment - Assessment & Evaluation
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Please tick the correct answer for each of the below questions or statements:
1. Biodegradable organic materials in wastewater, if not treated, will cause the following:
deplete oxygen in rivers, lakes and fjords, causing fish deaths
bio-accumulate in the food chain, having a toxic effect
eutrophication in rivers, depleting oxygen and having a toxic effect
2. Ammonia:
is the major pollutant in wastewater
is approximately 75% of the total nitrogen in untreated wastewater
originates from faeces
3. The easiest way to remove dissolved biodegradable COD from wastewater is:
to settle it out in a Primary Settling Tank (PST)
to biodegrade it in the Aeration Zone of an Activated Sludge Plant
to biodegrade it in the Anoxic Zone of an Activated Sludge Plant
4. Blackwater originates from
the kitchen of a household
the industrial effluent from a poultry abattoir
the toilet from a household
5. Shit Flow Diagrams are used:
in first world countries to show where sewage originates from, how it is treated, and where it is disposed of
to show the percentage of on-site and off-site sanitation and open defecation in a City in a developing country
to show the different process units in a wastewater treatment plant
6. Globally,
10% of all wastewater is not treated and flows into the sea
80% of wastewater goes into waterways without adequate treatment
the world has improved drastically so that most people in Africa have adequate sanitation
7. I want to build 5 homes on a smallholding that I bought, just north of Pretoria, for my wife and I, and our 2 sons and 2 daughters and their families. They are all married and have children. There is no sewerage or water supply network close to the smallholding. I am going to use borehole water as our water supply, but don’t know what to do about the sewage. I asked a few contractors to submit quotations to me to deal with the sewage from our households. I received the following quotations. Which one should I accept?
Contractor 1 quoted me R35 000 to install a septic tank with a soak-away.
Contractor 2 quoted me R350 000 for a sewage package plant that will produce effluent that I can use to flush my toilets and to irrigate my garden.
Contractor 3 quoted me R25 000 for a 5000 litre conservancy tank so that the municipality’s vacuum tanker can empty it every month and dispose of it at the closest wastewater treatment works
8. I have a matric and also studied Wastewater Treatment Practice N3. I have been working for our local municipality at a 2 Ml/day activated sludge plant as a Process Controller since I left school 7 years ago. Our supervisor unfortunately passed away recently. His position is now vacant and I am considering to apply for the position.
I don’t think I will qualify for the position because I am too young
I think I will get the job, because I have proven that I am a hard worker and a quick learner
I don’t think I will get an interview, because I will first need to acquire a diploma to be able to become a supervisor.
9. The most important aspect of wastewater treatment:
is to have enough operational budget
is to have enough treatment capacity
is to produce treated effluent that complies with the National Water Act
10. I live very close to our town’s wastewater treatment works
It stinks a lot in the evenings at my home, because a wastewater treatment works naturally stinks a lot.
It stinks a lot in the evening at my home, because I see that the municipality only empties the waste containers at the inlet works every month.
t stinks a lot in the evening at my home, because the wastewater treatment plant is too big and won’t be able too stop the bad odours.
11. The COD of the raw wastewater is 800 mg/l
It is necessary to construct a PST to reduce the COD concentration before it enters the Activated Sludge Plant
It is not necessary for Primary Sedimentation for such a low COD
Primary Sedimentation will have no effect on a 800 mg/l COD
12. If you want to achieve nitrification:
The sludge age must be >5 days
The sludge age must be <5 days
The sludge age does not affect nitrification
13. Surface aeration
is the most efficient type of aeration
must ensure a DO of at least 2 mg/l
is approximately 50% as efficient as fine bubble diffused aeration
14. Trickling Filters are a good option
for denitrification
to remove excess phosphate from raw sewage
for nitrification
15. An Anaerobic Zone is necessary
if you want to comply with a General Limit
If you want to achieve sufficient denitrification
If you want to comply with a Special Limit for phosphate
16. Free available chlorine is
OCl + HOCl + Cl2
OCl + HOCl + Cl2 + NH2Cl + NHCl2 + NCl3
OCl at a pH of 6.5
17. The most important control of a BNR ASP is
Sludge Age
COD:TKN ration
To make sure that the anaerobic reactor is followed by an anoxic reactor and then an aerobic reactor
18. If the MLSS entering the Secondary Clarifier (SST) is 5 000 mg/l and the underflow MLSS 10 000 mg/l, the Process Controller must
Waste 50% less (volume) of WAS if he/she is wasting from the underflow and not the Aeration Zone
Waste 25% less (volume) of WAS if he/she is wasting from the underflow and not the Aeration Zone
Waste twice every shift from the aerobic zone to have the same effect as wasting from the underflow
19. Cities in developing countries must
Upgrade their wastewater treatment works to cater for the increase in wastewater as a result of urbanisation, otherwise they will not achieve their Sustainable Development Goals
Make a paradigm shift and install Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Plants (DEWATS) to treat sewage on-site and to use the treated effluent locally, otherwise they will not achieve their Sustainable Development Goals
Upgrade their sewerage networks and pump stations to cater for the increase in wastewater as a result of urbanisation, otherwise they will not achieve their Sustainable Development Goals
20. The best tool for a Water Services Manager to manage his/her wastewater system
Is a Wastewater Risk Abatement Plan
Is a comprehensive infrastructure plan
Is a sound operational and capital budget
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